

above: Somewhere over Monterrey, Mexico. Guest Photographer, Camila Garcia.
below: Versaille, France. Damien Pitter.


  1. Context: I took this shot in the palace of Versaille. It was very crowded and I couldn't really get up close to see the bedroom very well, but I found this mirror at the back of the room and took this shot. The ghosting is really just from the long exposure - something like 6 seconds.

  2. Camila, this shot is gorgeous. With the sun and the rain, it would have been gorgeous from the ground, but from the air with the landscape stretched out in front - fantastic.

  3. Thank you! I got lucky and woke up just in time to see this out the window. I took a couple of shots until I got this one.

    I can't even tell that's a mirror in your shot, by the way. That's pretty cool.


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