

above: New York, New York, USA. Guest Photographer, Carlos Diaz Barriga.
below: San Francisco, California, USA. Heather Dowd.


  1. context: at the board walk in brooklyn, after eating some delicious pizza
    the sky was STUNNING that day, it was so weird, I have no idea why it looked like that!

  2. the sky is amazing, it's like a sheet covering the skyline, it kind of looks like a collage...

  3. Best sky yet, Carlos. Isn't it great when nature looks unnatural? It really does look like fabric. So well-defined compared to the misty sky in Heather's.

  4. I wish I had been there to see that sky... supernatural...

  5. Context: It was a misty day in San Francisco when I stopped to see the Golden Gate Bridge. While everyone pointed their cameras toward the bridge, I looked the other way.

    That sky is surreal! It looks like the pointy buildings are poking holes in the fabric of space-time.


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