

above: Lisbon, Portugal. Damien Pitter.
below: Monterrey, Mexico. Stacey Lindbloom.


  1. These photos complement one another. It looks as if that door could open onto that road, yet they are a world apart. Kudos to you both!

  2. i really like the top one, what was behind the locked door??

  3. I like the texture in Stacey's shot. There are some things that Black & White does way better. This is one of them! Nice work.

  4. I think it's the door to a secret garden...maybe in San Miguel if I didn't know it was Portugal.

  5. Lisbon is a beautiful broken-down-palace of a city. It feels like Gabriel Garcia Marquez' fictional town Macondo from "One Hundred Years of Solitude". Filled with old ghosts and secrets.

  6. I like the composition of both pictures,and how they relate to the other: the top one makes me think how "closed" we may be and the bottom one, that we could be "hard" minded as a rock.

  7. rugged, yeah! this is my favo(u)rite pair. Gracias por el link Lucia. Its great that you are doing this guys, congratulations.

  8. Both remind me of Mexico...and for that I thank you...

  9. I love the top photograph.
    And it reminds me of Paul Strand's "Latch" c.a. 1945.


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