

above: Washington, DC, USA. Analucia Padilla.
below: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Jocelyn Wiley.


  1. This is from the interior of the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art in downtown Vancouver. Bill Reid (1920 - 1998) was a famous Canadian artist who was descended from a master Haida carver. Reid's work is featured on the back of the Canadian $20 and several of his monumental pieces are in the Vancouver airport. Sadly, a dozen smaller pieces cast in gold were stolen from the Univ. of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology last year & have not been recovered. They may have been melted down & lost forever.

  2. I took this pic b/c 1. I love NW coast native art and 2. I liked the superimposition of the First Nations design on downtown Vancouver's buildings, like a ghostly reminder of what got wiped out to build the city.

  3. I love your shot for the same reason, JW... nice work. I must be missing shots all the time for not seeing the lurking beauty.

    AnaLucia, loved this shot of the chandelier. It must have been a nightmare to get the lighting correct to show the columns, the dome and not blow out the light. Nice work on the detail and framing. My eye is drawn over and over to the dome and light.


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